| | Curriculum Vitae Graduated at the faculty of Architecture of Ferrara, Silvia Brunoro is an architect and PhD in Technology of Architecture. Since 2004 she is member of the LEM (Laboratory of research on Estate & environment Management) at the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara. Since 2000 she is assistant professor in the Laboratories of construction technologies 1 and 2. Since 2007 she is contract professor of Design of construction systems, module of the course Energetic management of Buildings. She has been involved in numerous national and european researches. Main field of research are sustainable refurbishment, energy efficiency and innovation of technologies and materials. Since 2003 to 2007 she has been involved in the ACTION COST C16 "Improving the quality of existing urban building envelopes" on the refurbishment of non traditional builing envelopes in Europe. Since 2008 she is Management Commitee member of the ACTION COST TU0701 “Improving the qualità of Suburban building stock” on the refurbishment and valorization of not historical suburban areas in Europe. Since 2004 to 2006 she has been involved in the INTERREG II B project “Villas- stately homes and castles” on the sustainable valorisation of rural buildings in Emilia Romagna. She is author of several publication concerning energy efficiency and sustainable design, mainly related to the envelope of the building. In 2006 she has published the text “Energy efficiency of façades. Standards, needs and examples for the refurbishment”. Mainly expertise areas Publications- Silvia Brunoro, "Alta qualità, bassa energia. Edilizia residenziale in classe A+ a Ferrara", in Geoinforma, Maggioli, n.1/2009, pp. 84-90
- Silvia Brunoro, "An assessment of energetic efficiency improvement of existing building envelopes in Italy", in Management of Environmental Quality. An international Journal, Volume 19, Number 6/2008, ISSN 1477-7835
- Silvia Brunoro, "Sistemi di fissaggio per facciate a secco", in L’Ufficio Tecnico, Maggioli, n. 9, Settembre 2008, pp. 32-38
- Silvia Brunoro, "Stratificazioni tecnologiche per la riqualificazione energetica dell’esistente", in L’Ufficio Tecnico, Maggioli, n. 7-8, Luglio-Agosto 2008, pp. 30-36
- Marie Therese Andeweg, Silvia Brunoro, Leo G. W. Verohef (edited by), COST C16 Improving the quality of existing urban building envelopes. State of the Art, Volume 2, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007 (ISBN: 978-1-58603-734-5)
- Silvia Brunoro, "Technical improvement of housing envelopes in Italy", in L. Bragança, C. Wetzel, V.Buhagiar, L.G.W. Verhoef (edited by), COST C16 Improving the quality of existing urban building envelopes. Facades and roofs, Volume 5, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 2007, pp.69-82 (ISBN: 978-1-58603-737-6)
- Silvia Brunoro, "Sustainable technologies in the refurbishment of existing building envelopes in Italy", in L. Bragança, M. Pinhero, S. Jalali, R. Mateus, R. Amaeda, M. Correia Guedes (edited by), Sustainable Constructions, Volume 1, IOS PRESS, Amsterdam, 2007, pp. 257-264 (ISBN: 978-1-58603-785-7)
- Silvia Brunoro, "Ombreggiamento e controllo solare. Sistemi di schermature per il controllo del soleggiamento e del microclima interno finalizzati al risparmio energetico dell’edificio", in M.A Barucco, D. Trabucco (a cura di), ARCHITETTURA_ENERGIA. Un’indagine sul complesso rapporto tra la professione dell’architetto e la questione energetica, Edicom Edizioni, Monfalcone (Go), 2007, pp.47-53 (ISBN: 978-88-86729-72-7)
- Silvia Brunoro, Efficienza energetica delle facciate. Standard, requisiti, esempi per l’adeguamento e la riqualificazione architettonica, Maggioli, Rimini, 2006 (ISBN: 88.387.3651.0)
- Emanuele Piaia, Silvia Brunoro, Danila Longo, "Interventi di recupero", in AAVV, Villas stately homes and castles: compatible use, valorisation and creative management, Vol. 2, Edizioni Lunargento, Venezia, 2006, pp.237-249 (ISBN: 88-900974-5-0)