
EUR-Lex provides free access, in the 24 official EU languages, to:

  • the authentic Official Journal of the European Union
  • EU law (EU treaties, directives, regulations, decisions, consolidated legislation, etc.)
  • preparatory acts (legislative proposals, reports, green and white papers, etc.)
  • EU case-law (judgements, orders, etc.)
  • international agreements
  • EFTA documents
  • summaries of EU legislation, which put legal acts into a policy context, explained in plain language
  • other public documents.

It also allows you to follow the procedures leading to the adoption of legal acts.

The database is updated daily with some texts dating back to 1951. Each document is displayed with analytical metadata (publication reference, dates, keywords, etc.) organised behind different tabs. Text is the default tab that opens. Document information contains the information about the document (metadata). Depending on the type of document accessed, other tabs might be available (for example Procedure, National transposition, Summary of legislation etc).

A document can be displayed in up to 3 languages simultaneously. By default, the first language is set to the current language of the user interface.