Sarajevo University Campus
Sarajevo University Campus reports the educational experience developed over two academic years by the Third Year Design Laboratory of the Department of Architecture of the University of Ferrara. The work focuses on the development of design strategies for the former Marsala Tito in Sarajevo, proposing design approaches capable of converting the dismissed military area into a University Campus, following the current process underway by the local government. The first section of the book collects the theoretical contributions both by professors and collaborators of the Architectural Design Lab III of the University of Ferrara and the professors of the University of Sarajevo involved in the two international workshops held in Sarajevo in 2018 and 2019. The second section of the publication shows the projects developed by students of the Architectural Design Lab III, embracing the disparate design approaches, linked both to student’s inclinations and educational methods of the professors of each project group. This research work aims to be the first step, in a broad vision of international collaboration between the University of Ferrara and the University of Sarajevo, focusing both on the shared training of students and on the joint research of innovative approaches in the field of reuse, recovery and reconditioning of existing built environment.
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