Curriculum Vitae
Theo Zaffagnini (1968) graduated in Architecture at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Florence (Italy) in 1993. In 1999 he succesively achieved his Ph.D. in Architectural Technology at the Department P.M.P.E. of the University of Florence, Italy. Since 1999 to 2014 he filled the role of Researcher of Architectural Technology at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture (DA). Since 2014, he is currently Associate Professor at the Department of Architecture where he teaches mainly Architectural Technology. His research activity is mainly focused on technological innovation in building processes and materials, on sustainable approach to architecture and on restoration, refurbishment and re-use of historical buildings.
Since september 2005 up to the present he has been working as appointed Professor of Architectural Technology of the Laboratory of Building Construction 1 (Course B – Master’s Degree course). He managed an intense doctoral and graduate training activity both as charged manager (Deputy Vice-Coordinator) and as PhD Programme Supervisor of an International PhD Programme and as teacher member of the Academic Board of the PhD programmes continuosly since 2000. Since 2000 to 2016 he has been member of the Academic Board of the national Doctorate in Architectural Technology (courses from XV to XXVIII). Then since 2013 (XXIX c) he’s member of the Academic Board of the International Doctorate Architecture and Urban Planning (IDAUP).
He has been enrolled as teacher in the 2006 and 2007 Edition of the post-graduate training course titled “Architecture>Energy” organized by the Faculty of Architecture of Ferrara.
From 2006 - 2016 he has been Deputy Vice-Coordinator of the Doctorate in Architectural Tecnology then, from 2013 to nowadays, he is DA Deputy Vice- Coordinator and DA PhD Programme Supervisor of IDAUP (DA is Administrative Home Institution) of the International consortium.
In 2013 together with the Director of the Department of Architecture Prof. R. Di Giulio, he planned the organisation of the First International Doctorate of the Department of Architecture then titled International Doctorate in Architecture and Urban Planning (IDAUP).
He has been Tutor/Supervisor of dozen of Ph.D Thesis (national and international) of which some were declared Best Thesis of their Ph.D cycle and one recognized with the 2016 Niccolò Copernico Distinction by the City and University of Ferrara both in the Italian PhD Programme titled Architectural Technology PhD and in the International PhD Programme IDAUP.
Since 2008 to 2013 he has been enrolled in the OSDOTTA Scientific Comitee then in 2015 he joined the International Scientific Committee DOTTA in the OSDOTTA network
Since its estabilishment, he has been member of the “Italian Association of Architectural Technology” / “Società Italiana della tecnologia dell’Architettura” (SITdA).
He is author of more than 90 technical essays, articles and papers on books, Scientific Reviews and Internatonal Journals (some indexed) and Audio Video Supports, Multimedia CD-ROM, DVD, about restoration, refurbishment and sustainable re-use of historical buildings, technological innovation, underground architecture, energy efficiency of buildings and sustainable architecture.
Field of research
He worked on several research programs funded by private and public institutions, by MIUR and by the European Economic Community. Among the Italian research programs he was enrolled in: - PRIN 2000, “Indici per lo sviluppo di piani e programmi di manutenzione diffusa in Edilizia". National Project Responsible Prof. Claudio Molinari, “Politecnico di Milano” Technical University. Enrolled in the local working group of the Dept. of Architecture of Ferrara (Local Scientific Responsible Prof. R. Di Giulio). - PRIN 2001, “Metodi di garanzia per l'affidabilità della progettazione e della costruzione nelle opere edilizie". National scientific coordinator: Prof. V.A. Legnante, University of Florence (Italy). Enrolled in the local working group of the Dept. of Architecture of Ferrara (Local Scientific Responsible Prof. R. Di Giulio). - PRIN 2003, “Criteri di valutazione e procedure di controllo delle condizioni di stress dovute alla morfologia, alle modalità di fruizione e alle condizioni ambientali di spazi confinati ad elevata sterilità". National scientific coordinator: Prof. R. Del Nord, University of Florence (Italy). Enrolled in the local working group of the Dept. of Architecture of Ferrara (Local Scientific Responsible Prof. R. Di Giulio).
- PRIN 2008, “Principi di rigenerazione e rivitalizzazione degli insediamenti di edilizia sociale delle periferie urbane. Definizione ed applicazione di strumenti tecnici e procedure d’intervento a casi studio emblematici italiani”, (Resp. Scient. Prof. R. Di Giulio). (conc. 2012)
Among the research projects financed by European Economic Community ECC he was enrolled as:
- Co-author of the “Re-use manual for the enhancement of building heritage and delta landscape”, Community initiative Leader II, with Regione Emilia Romagna, European Community and GAL “Delta 2000” Scientific Responsible Prof. G. Trippa. Enrolled as Responsible of the technological section. (finished in 2001);
- Project “Villas, stately homes and castles: compatible use, valorisation and creative management” – Community initiative Interreg IIIB (2000-2006) CADSES 3B074. Project Responsible for University of Ferrara – Dept. Of Architecture Prof. R. Di Giulio. Enrolled as member and Technical Group Coordinator of PP4/Ferrara (finished in 2006).
At present he’s participating in:
- Department’s of Architecture project "INCEPTION - Inclusive Cultural Heritage in Europe through 3D semantic modelling" which was nominated for the “Call Reflective-7-2014, Advanced 3D modeling for accessing and understanding European cultural assets”, ranking first among 87 proposals. (Winner and Sc. Coordinator Prof. R. Di Giulio) ongoing activity (2015-2019).
Inside the activities financed by the Emilia-Romagna Region (2014-2020) he is working in the TeckneHub Research Laboratory of the Tecnopole of the University of Ferrara that take part in the High Technology Network of Emilia-Romagna in:
- Project “HABITAT – Home Assistance Based on Internet of Things (IoT) for AuTonomy” funded by Emilia-Romagna Region (POR-FESR 2014-2020) Ongoing activity.
Selected publications
- PRACUCCI A., BIZZARRI G., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2016). The Regulatory Framework in Urban Biogas Plants to Define New Steps for a Common Development of Regulatory Guidelines in EU Member States. In: Europe and the Mediterranean Towards a Sustainable Built Environment. vol.--, p. 185-194, La Valletta:SBE Malta - Sustainable Built Environment, ISBN: 978-99957-0-935-8, Malta - La Valletta, 16 - 18 marzo 2016.
- SEDKI A., HAMZA N., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2016). Correlation between retrofitting building evenlope and thermal improvement on social housing in hot-arid climate.. In: Book of Proceedings BSO 2016 Building Simulation & Optimization. p. 491-498, Newcastle:Publisher NewcastleUniversity, ISBN: 978-0-7017-0258-8, Great North Museum, Newcastle, England, 12th - 14th September, 2016.
- PRACUCCI A., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2016). Urban Morphology and Energy Efficiency Practice: the urban pattern analysis as framework for impact evaluation of Biomass Production towards Energy Efficient Districts.. In: 41st IAHS World Congress on Housing. Sustainability and Innovation for the Future, September 13 to 16, 2016 Book of Abstracts. vol. --, p. 98, Porto (POR):ITeCons - Instituto de Investigacào e Desenvolvimento Tecnólogico em Ciêcias da Construcào (Editor), ISBN: 978-989-98949-3-8, Albufeira, Algarve, Portugal, 13 - 16th September 2016.
- PRACUCCI A., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2015). Microgenerazione ed efficientamento energetico. Dal rifiuto al biogas, come uno scarto può diventare risorsa energetica.. L'UFFICIO TECNICO, vol. 1-2/2015, p. 15-21, ISSN: 0394-8293
- PRACUCCI A., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2015). La micro-cogenerazione a biogas: se partecipare vuol dire risparmiare [con consapevolezza]. Prospettive di sviluppo in ambito urbano: analisi sintetica delle attuali criticità (normative e procedurali) a livello nazionale e individuazione di alcune strategie di facilitazione per l’adozione di impianti a biogas.. L'UFFICIO TECNICO, vol. 11-12/2015, p. 12-19, ISSN: 0394-8293
- DI GIULIO R., ZAFFAGNINI T., BRUNORO S., LONGO D. e PIAIA E. (2014). Sustainable strategies for regeneration of rural building heritage. In: AA.VV.. (a cura di): P.DIAZ M.F. SCHMITZ, Cultural Tourism. vol. 68, p. 115-125, SOUTHAMPTON, BOSTON:WIT Press, ISBN: 9781845648060, doi: 10.2495/978-1-84564-806-0/11
- SEDKI A., HAMZA N., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2013). Effect of Orientation on Indoor Thermal Neutrality in Winter Season in Hot Arid Climates Case Study: Residential Building in Greater Cairo. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY, vol. 5, p. 712-716, ISSN: 1793-8244, doi: 10.7763/IJET.2013.V5.648
- SEDKI A., HAMZA N., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2013). Effect of Orientation on Indoor Thermal Neutrality in Summer Season in Hot Arid Climates. THE JOURNAL OF MACROTRENDS IN TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION, vol. Vol.1, p. 101-114, ISSN: 2333-1011.
- SEDKI A., HAMZA N., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2013). Field Measurements to Validate Simulated Indoor Air Temperature Predictions: A case study of a residential building in a hot arid climate.. In: 1st conference about Building Simulation Contributions to Built Environment in Egypt (IBPSA-Egypt). BUILDING PERFORMANCE SIMULATION CONFERENCE, vol. 1, p. 338-347, ISSN: 2314-7393, Cairo (Egypt), 23-24 of June 2013.
- ZAFFAGNINI THEO (2011). Il segno del tempo e il linguaggio dei sensi nell'involucro edilizio contemporaneo. I materiali innovativi e le tecniche per la traslucenza della pelle architettonica per un lessico compositivo dell'oggi. L'UFFICIO TECNICO, vol. n. 2/2011, p. 20-26, ISSN: 0394-8293
- ZAFFAGNINI THEO (2011). La gestione democratica delle esigenze del progetto eco-sostenibile: il progetto delle residenze di Frühlingsstrasse di Christoph Kalb. L’insediamento residenziale passivo di Frühlingsstrasse a Wolfurt (Austria) come best-practice . L'UFFICIO TECNICO, vol. n. 6/2011, p. 20-26, ISSN: 0394-8293
- DI GIULIO R., ZAFFAGNINI T. (2010). Case sparse. Paesaggi agrari tra Ferrara e Bologna: strategie per la valorizzazione e il riuso del patrimonio rurale. Milano, Franco Angeli, ISBN: 9788856824643.
- ZAFFAGNINI T., MODUGNO V. (2010). Involucro traslucido:ultima frontiera per una rinnovata creatività. L'UFFICIO TECNICO, vol. n.10/2010, p. 30-36, ISSN: 0394-8293
- ZAFFAGNINI T. (2007). "Sistemi logistici integrati e fotovoltaico: un binomio vincente". L'UFFICIO TECNICO, vol. 6/2007, p. 28-33, ISSN: 0394-82