| | Curriculum VitaeVittorino Belpoliti was born in Reggio Emilia, Italy, on 24/09/1981. After scientific secondary studies, he was credited the Master degree in Architecture at the University of Ferrara, Italy, in July 2007, obtaining 110/110 full marks, for a final project concerning innovative technologies in energy retrofit processes. In 2003/2004 he attended academic courses at the Aarhus School of Architecture, Denmark, being involved in the activity of the Danish Technological Institute (Taastrup, Kb). From January to June 2006, he was visiting scholar at the University of California Berkeley, working on his dissertation and cooperating with the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. In 2006 he begun the academic activity as assistant professor for the courses Energy Control in Buildings and Technology of Architecture 1, at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. In 2007 he begun the academic activity as assistant professor for the course of Technology of Architecture 2, and as Academic Tutor for the Final Workshop Architecture>Energy>Environment, at the University of Ferrara, Department of Architecture. Before graduation he has trained with major Indian architects Balkrishna Doshi in Ahmedabad, India, and has cooperated with the Museum of National History of Rekijavik, Iceland, for on-field surveying activity. In 2007 he started the professional activity in the office of Arch. Maurizio Belpoliti, and cooperating with Eng. Giacomo Bizzarri in the field of renewable energies, in Reggio Emilia. Ever since he has won national and international competitions regarding eco-housing design and has published several scientific papers on energy control systems in buildings. He is currently pursuing a PhD program in Energetics at the Department of Environmental Engineering, University of Udine, Italy. Mainly expertise areas Publications- Belpoliti V., "La simulazione energetica tra normativa, professione e ricerca. Review dei software differenti per caratteristiche e target", in L'Ufficio Tecnico n°2, 2009, pag.
- Belpoliti V., "L'utilizzo di biossido di titanio nei materiali per l'edilizia: funzione energetica attiva e passiva", in L'Ufficio Tecnico n°1, 2009, pag. 44-49
- G. Bizzarri, V. Belpoliti, M. Bottarelli, "Interventi di Energy Retrofit attraverso l’utilizzo di Dispositivi Fotovoltaici Semitrasparenti", in CDA n°2, 2009, pag.
- Belpoliti V., "L’innovazione tecnologica nel recupero energetico. I dispositivi fotovoltaici semitrasparenti", in INARCOS n°1, 2009, pag.
- Belpoliti V., Bizzarri G., Bottarelli M., "Interventi di Energy Retrofit attraverso l’utilizzo di dispositivi fotovoltaici semitrasparenti", in AICARR (a cura di), Atti del 46° Convegno Internazionale AICARR, 12-13/03/2008, Milano, 2008, pag. 799-817
- G. Bizzarri, G. L. Morini, V. Belpoliti, P. Pastore, "Il ciclo di vita di un impianto fotovoltaico (Analisi LCA di sistemi fotovoltaici integrati)", in PV Technology n°2, 2008, pag. 58-68
- Belpoliti V., "Progetto di energy retrofit. Il Palazzo degli Specchi a Ferrara", in Recupero e Conservazione n°79, 2008, pag.30
- Belpoliti V., "Sistemi vetrati in copertura: una review delle tecnologie ad elevate prestazioni energetiche", in L'Ufficio Tecnico n°1, 2008, pag. 37-43
- Bizzarri G., Bottarelli M., Belpoliti V., Pastore P., Pratissoli A., Ferri P., "Potential in GHG emissions abatement through an effective energy policy: the Reggio Emilia case", in AA.VV., The proceedings of The Sustainable City V: Urban Regeneration and Sustainability. Atti del Congresso "Air Pollution 2008", Skiatos 22-24 settembre 2008, Witpress, 2008, pag. (1-84564-128-3)
- G. Bizzarri, V. Belpoliti, I. Di Federico, "Sistemi fotovoltaici semitrasparenti, una review della tecnologia attraversol'esame delle sue potenzialità nei sistemi integrati", in Associazione Termotecnica Italiana (a cura di), Atti del 62° Congresso Nazionale ATI 11-14 Settembre 2007, Napoli, Cuzzolin Editore, 2007, pag. 611-616