ArchiLab didactic experiences
ultima modifica
28/12/2020 16:48
The ArcDesPress ArchiLab didactic experiences series aims to document the most interesting teaching experiences, both in the context of university curricular courses and workshops -held on behalf of city and local government bodies- in collaboration with other national and international universities.
Direttore di collana: Gianluca Frediani
Comitato scientifico: Alessandro Gaiani, Gabriele Lelli, Nicola Marzot, Alessandro Massarente, Andrea Rinaldi, Antonello Stella
Sarajevo University Campus |
Elena Guidetti (a cura di), Sarajevo University Campus, collana ArchiLab didactic experiences, ArcDesPress. ArcDes Development of integrated Architectural Design Programs for City, Environment, Landscape, Ferrara 2020, pp.152